Opening hours today for Centrelink

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  • Sunday (today): Closed today


🕗 Centrelink opening hours in Lorne, 3232

3232 150 Mountjoy Parade Lorne, au
Phone: 08 9238 9007
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Agents provide a free face-to-face service to the community, information products and forms, access to a telephone, internet-enabled computer and printer for government business and Medicare claiming facilities.
Agents can also accept Centrelink claim forms and documentation, certify identity documents for departmental purposes, respond to customer enquiries and provide assistance, guidance or referral as appropriate.


Nearest Centrelink branches, Centrelink Lorne Agent

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85 Great Ocean Rd, 24.2 km

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CommBank Apollo Bay, Apollo Bay

133 Great Ocean Rd, 35.6 km

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CommBank Lorne, Lorne

68 Mount Joy Pde, 452.4 m

Closed today

Centrelink Birregurra, Birregurra

65 Main Street, 28.3 km

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Centrelink Lorne, Lorne

Mountjoy Parade, 367.8 m

Closed today

Centrelink Birregurra, Birregurra

16 Short St, 28.0 km

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